oBTC logo.jpg

***Please note oBTC is the ONLY blockchain we have ever published. Others using heavyhash are not affiliated with PoWx. Any piece of software you get anywhere outside the PoWx GitHub may be malicious.

DISCLAIMER: There exists no commercially available photonic miner as of today (Dec 18, 2021). PoWx mission is to implement dedicated hardware with smaller energy per hash as compared to conventional hardware. However, we do not have any guarantees about the hash rate or hardware price. As future hardware specifications might evolve, we reserve the right to adjust the proof-of-work algorithm in the future. Any possible algorithm adjustment will be publicly discussed well in advance.

Anyone trying to sell you a photonic miner is trying to scam you.


oBTC (Optical Bitcoin) is a fork of the Bitcoin blockchain with the following modifications:

  1. The Proof of Work has been replaced with optical computing-compatible oPoW (see oPoW Resources)

  2. The genesis block is empty, meaning there was no ownership or pre-mine prior to launch (March 18th, 2021 experimental launch; March 28th 2021 reset genesis and stable launch; link here)

  3. The halving rate has been decreased by a factor of two

Our public GitHub organization can be found here: https://github.com/Powx-Org

oBTC Block Explorer: https://explorer.powx.org

Source: https://github.com/PoWx-Org/obtc-pool

Official oBTC pool: https://pool.obtc.me

Discord (unofficial, run by mining community):





Desktop wallet

Source: https://github.com/PoWx-Org/obtc-core

Win executable: https://github.com/PoWx-Org/obtc-core/releases

Linux snap: Coming soon